“The biggest surprise happened at the end of the week”
My wife’s brief to me was simple.
‘Chris’ research & book the best family activity holiday in Croatia!
So, no pressure there! Anyway, fast forwarding 5 months later – these are my field reports…
I’m standing in the Cetina canyon with my two teenagers, just below a magnificent waterfall. The water is powering down at crudely one full bath per second and for once my two teens are lost for words. Perched open mouthed on the slippery rock face, they have been hypnotised by the spells of Croatia.
Rewind seven days earlier, we arrived in Split in great anticipation for our family active holiday in Croatia. We were greeted by a blue sky and a friendly smile by the Green World Holidays rep ‘Nina’, who guided us from the airport terminal to their adventure base in Podstrana. The transfer is less than 30 minutes and whilst my two girls preferred to study their Facebook feed, I very much enjoyed seeing the Dalmatia countryside & coastline unfold in front of me.
My daughters Louise (15) and Izzy (17), shared the week with three other families and I was grateful for the age matching of the other teenagers. My two girls can often be shy but with the relaxing atmosphere of the adventure base, new friends were made quickly.
Each day we were briefed and equipped for the active fun ahead! More often than not this involved a wetsuit, life vest and helmet.
Our instructors were simply amazing, measuring our capacity for thrills and inevitably spills.
Every day we would find ourselves congregated as a team in another pristine location. From rural bliss to flowing rapid falls. This is a family adventure of many sides and personalities. It’s also really nice to know, the activities have no impact on the environment.
Active holidays in Croatia demand great catering, and our gala meals were superb! Alongside the other Dads I soon realised that every gulp of Ožujsko beer we drank was actually saving us money, compared with UK prices. Mums agreed that the local red’s and white’s definitely sustained their sense of well-being.
Is this the best type of holiday to-do with tricky teenagers?
Undoubtedly, yes! This family multi activity week in Croatia is the perfect way to blend water sports, nature, family time and meeting new people.
Our eldest daughter said she wanted to do this again next year wait us. This was the biggest surprise for us, thinking would lose her to Ibiza and festivals. It’s lovely that both my girls affirmed that – Teenager activity holidays are positively ‘cool’ – sorry – i meant to write #epic. Positively epic!
Fist bump, explosion. Another cold Ožujsko please.